In file manager can't browse for an image on my computer
So treat me as knowing completley nothing about concrete 5 becuase someone else has set the website up for me and I am just editing it but I can't seem to add new pictures to the file manager so therefore can't add new pictures to the website. There is no button in the top right hand corner which would allow me to browse for files on my computer. I have tried using google chrome/firefox/internet explorer and tried three different computers. Can anyone help? Is this a problem that anyone has occured before? Would be grateful for anyones help.
1. Dashboard
2. File manager
3. Hit button 'Browse...' (select file dialog opens)
4. Select image i'd like to upload (select file dialog closes)
5. Now press 'Upload' (to the right of 'Browse...')
6. a small round whirly rotates while image is uploading
7. Concrete5 dialog box opens asking if you'd like this image in a set, or any further description or tag
8. press close. file is now added to your site.
See attached screenshots - Do you see the 'Browse...' button? Do you have the permissions to upload files?
- Hope this helps