installing concrete5
I've been tasked to maintain my company's website, and came across concrete5. I loaded it onto my website, got the e-mail back with the login and password, but when I put it in, it takes me to my front page. There are no edit buttons, nothing looks differently than when somebody goes to my website. How do you get started editing? I need to make only minimal changes, but I can't figure out how/or where to get into the software. Thanks
thanks, but that's what I'm doing, but when i enter my admin login and password, it accepts them but goes straight to the website, but there are no concrete5 application buttons, drop-downs, et al. Thanks
...I can't get a concrete5 front end like they have in the video demos...I can never get into the software. I'm baffled.
I'd try installing c5 again. The other thing it could be is permissions. Can you acess the dashboard?