Is is possible to edit/add buttons to .ccm-system-nav-wrapper1
I have a custom who wants to replace Sitemap, and File Manager with Publish, Preview, and Discard. Also they want to remove the help option.
Is that possible? What would be the best way to go about. I am experienced PHP/JavaScript developer - but limited experience with C5.
Screenshot is attached.
Is that possible? What would be the best way to go about. I am experienced PHP/JavaScript developer - but limited experience with C5.
Screenshot is attached.
Mind pointing me in the right direction?
For the adding of buttons, take a look at the concrete/interface/menu helper,
for removing the help button, take a look in the elements folder.
for removing the help button, take a look in the elements folder.
Ok - so generating the buttons is easy enough.
How to link to the preview, publish, and discard actions?
How to link to the preview, publish, and discard actions?
take a look at the code in /concrete/tools/page_controls_header_js (called something like that)
I'm seeing the code to the draw the buttons, and determine if the page is checked out, but I still don't see how to create Publish, Preview, and Discard actions.
removing the help button requires modifying some code