Issue with adding a background image to a block

I'm trying to add a background image to a block via the design > set block style > background feature. I'm able to attached an image as a background, but when i save my edits the background image does not show up. Can anyone help me solve why this is happening?


mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried clearing you cache? Both browser and concrete5?

In concrete5 go to
Dashbord->System Settings->Speed Settings "Clear Cache"

On your browser
Hold the "Shift" key and click the Reload button.
msd replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the quick response.

I tried clearing both, but the issue persists.

Additional details: I can see the background in the block when I'm in edit mode, but once I exit edit mode I can't see the background anymore...
frankghe replied on at Permalink Reply
Same problem, anyone has already faced and solved this issue ? This problem occurs when using theme "Greek Yoghurt", while it works fine when using "Dark". Could it be that the css/html files of Greek Yoghurt are incompatible with the capability to customer block with "Set block style" window ?
stazi replied on at Permalink Reply
i think i just fixed this problem on my own page by clicking on the 'add to ---' underneath the block and then clicking on design from there rather than on the block itself