Issues with fatal error

Our company website was set up using concrete 5. And we have had several issues with it including it being incredibly slow and constantly showing fatal error messages. I have tried to contact the developer several times but to no avail. I tried to do a back up to install the updates and I keep getting this message.

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in /home/mastergr/public_html/concrete/libraries/backup.php on line 121

Is there a way to get the website fixed without the master files or are we stuck with this. I'm not really that savvy with code etc. so sorry if this seems like a silly question.

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
This sounds like the common issue when trying to back up a LARGE database. If this is the case you may want to check out:

You could even contact the developer, JohntheFish directly and inquire about your troubles.