Layout ordering is not possible?
i could not find a way to reorder layouts added. Is it possible? Also i could not find a way to add a layout to a grid enabled area in exact place. I mean for example if i have 3 rows (layouts) created before, i cannot add an other layout after the first or the second one.
# concrete5 Version
# concrete5 Version

Sorry, my bad. The solution for reordering is it is only possible while editing layout. It was a flash of light after sending the question :)
Lets say I add a layout with three columns then add another layout to the same area with two columns is it possible to move the layout with two columns (appears below) above the previous one?
You need to click on one of the column "tags" or whatever you might call them ( the thing that says "Column 1"). Then choose "Edit Container Layout" and click and drag the move icon next to the trash icon.
Did just that but it doesn't indicate where it will be placed and when I release it, it snaps back to its original location (dragging in the same area above/below another layout). I am dragging the movement icon itself as there doesn't seem to be a handle to drag like for blocks at the top right.
It basically is the same as with blocks. Locations where you can drop the layout are indicated with a thick green outline. If that's not working you will probably need to look for JS errors and CSS rules that might interfere with the C5 editing interface.
Thanks jakobfuchs,
Just changed to the elemental theme and it worked.
Guess there is something I haven't done in my custom theme to allow moving layouts but the funny thing is I can move blocks just fine...!
Got some more digging to do.
Just changed to the elemental theme and it worked.
Guess there is something I haven't done in my custom theme to allow moving layouts but the funny thing is I can move blocks just fine...!
Got some more digging to do.