Link size, and vertical align

My framework is really starting to come together and now I am trying to finesse the last few portions. Right now my issue is that I can't seem to adjust the hover over height of the Login and Disclaimer links (these are actually blocks rather than <li> navbar items). How can I adjust them so that the are vertically aligned in the bottom navbar(rather than using #px padding, which will look off on different sized screens), and be hovered over for the entire height of the navbar

5fly replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you have a live example of the issue? Happy to take a look.
bpbuild replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry forgot to include the link
bpbuild replied on at Permalink Reply
This issue has started to leak other issues onto my site I believe...
bpbuild replied on at Permalink Reply
The hover over still only has the height of the text.