Liquid CSS
Does a liquid div adjust to content that is input by means of C5? For example, I have a 1 column, 3 row site. Top row is header, middle row is content, and bottom row is footer. I need to make sure that when my clients input new content, that my middle row will expand vertically as they add. If it does, do I just have to create the liquid div or is there something in C5 I need to change? Thanks in advance!!!

don't really get your question, but if you make a functioning liquid layout style design, then convert it to a concrete5 theme, it should just work without doing anything special.
hopefully i can explain better. I am creating a site for a church and they want to do maintenance in house as much as possible. My answer to that is C5. However I am worried that when they add content into a section, that it may spill over the boundaries and not expand with the material as it is added. I may not be using the correct term.
typically i think of a liquid layout referring to a design in which the width expands to fit the window. but it sounds like what you're talking about it just making the heights expand to fit content, right? that shouldn't be a problem at all, unless you used fixed heights with overflow:hidden or something.