loadfoov2 theme
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Is there anyway on some of the pages to disable the second (lower) blue block?

Which Blue Block are you speaking of, This Theme is Green,Black and White
in the main content of the page, there are 2 small areas like Nav menus that are a pale blue.
I run a server from home,let me look at it real quick and get back to you, But I have tested with this theme and never noticed it.BRB
I take it your in the edit mode when you see this?
What I see is this,
Left side has the main content ares.
Right side has your sidebars...Wait I see it now when Im out of edit, Those are you right hand side bars.
Two things you can do, If you don't want the side bars,delete the lines from the default.php for this theme, Or in the CSS for this theme, (Line 189 in mine)you will see this, #wrap #right .box (this is the id for the sidebars)Remove or change the background color which is #F6F9FB(very light blue) So just remove that property or change it to white
What I see is this,
Left side has the main content ares.
Right side has your sidebars...Wait I see it now when Im out of edit, Those are you right hand side bars.
Two things you can do, If you don't want the side bars,delete the lines from the default.php for this theme, Or in the CSS for this theme, (Line 189 in mine)you will see this, #wrap #right .box (this is the id for the sidebars)Remove or change the background color which is #F6F9FB(very light blue) So just remove that property or change it to white
its there i run the theme on my website
at the theme you can see an image of it there
Read my reply
i only want to remove it from selected pages not all pages.
You want remove the sidebar form some pages and not others, Correct, And make them full pages
You want remove the sidebar form some pages and not others, Correct, And make them full pages
some pages i have no use for it, others i do
Well when you make a new page you have an option to pick a page type, The one named FULL has no sidebars
they don;t seem to work, never have from when i first loaded the theme
Which Blue Block are you speaking of, This Theme is Green,Black and White
Hey Red3, I know this thread hasn't been active for like 2 years, but I recently deployed a site with this theme and found your replies helpful to adjust the background colors of those sidebars.
I'm pretty sure you addressed the problem correct, anyways, thanks again for your help in locating the area to edit.
I'm pretty sure you addressed the problem correct, anyways, thanks again for your help in locating the area to edit.