Logging out after requesting different page

Hi everybody,

I have a strange problem. Yesterday, I could login and edit my pages just fine. Today, when I login, the edit bar appears. But when I navigate to any other page (including dashboard, etc), I'm logged out again. Then I login again and see the homepage (or the dashboard page, when I go there directly). From the dashboard page, the same story: log out after any click.

Is this a session issue? Has this something to do with the provider? Or is it in the system?

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
when you change the page, does is link to a different domain? You should avoid that when you're here:


you get redirected to something like this when you click on a link:

pieterbeulens replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope, no redirection. And yesterday everything worked just fine, I updated almost all the pages during the day.