Looking for a guestbook block

Hello all,
I was looking for a way to allow people to leave a testimonial for me on my page - without having to log in.
Something like the conversation block, but I want to be able to moderate, ie. the conversation should not go live without my approval - for obvious spam-related reasons.

Also, the captcha is not always easy to read on conversation block and there is no way to load a new captcha.

Guestbooks have gone out of fashion, I know, but this would be the ideal block. Can someone suggest how I can achieve this? I searched all the add ons but didn't find anything at all.

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you know there is at least one testimonial package in the marketplace?
rritz replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I found that, but it's not what I am looking for. It is for adding testimonials myself from the dashboard. I need something that lets users add testimonials without having to log in. Similar to a blog comment if you like, or a guestbook
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
yes, Studio Testimonials Pro (http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/studio-testimonials-pro1) allows you to do that. I quote:
User Submissions - This option allows you to enable user submission for testimonials. The "Submit Link Text" is the text for the link that will open the popup that allows the users to submit their testimonials. This field MUST have a value in order for the link to show up. Finally you can choose to be notified by email every time a testimonial is submitted from your site.
rritz replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh this has escaped me, thank you!
rritz replied on at Permalink Reply
Bought the add on but it doesn<#t work at all, I get error on installation :-(
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Contact the developer throughout a support request. He should provide you with the help you need.

beware however that if you are using Concrete5 v8 instead of 5.7.x it might not be that simple for him to fix the problem.