Lost Button

*sigh* this is a problem that keeps rearing its ugly head... here I am, again!

Using c5 5.5.2, adding a sub-page creates a problem that leaves it impossible to complete the adding of the page! In this case, Add a Sub-Page (the button) exists, but the button to complete the addition is missing entirely (not in source code, either) and therefore I cannot add the page!

Anyone else with this problem -- more importantly, how to debug (locate the origin of the problem) and fix?


vytautas replied on at Permalink Reply
Darren, I am having a similar problem. Whenever i create a new page whether i use the "add sub page" or create it through the dashboard. I can edit the page during the original contruction but any subsequent attempts gives me no access to the edit tool bar. this has happened since the last upgrade and is getting very frustrating.

dihakz replied on at Permalink Reply
Same here... the site worked fine until the last update. I'm so very frustrated.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
If you have a folder called concrete5.5.2 in your root/updates folder then I may be able to assist,
Have you?
dihakz replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, I do
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
text removed since update to is now available via the downloads section
dihakz replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately, this did nothing for me. See the following link (note the missing 'submit' or add page button.)

ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Clear the cache and refresh the database,
dihakz replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, cleared the cache (nothing changed) -- how do you "refresh the database"?
dihakz replied on at Permalink Reply
Any further ideas on this? Clearing the cache did nothing. :(
vytautas replied on at Permalink Reply
Would love to try this fix, however i have no idea where to find these folders and files. Any help out there on this?
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
If you do not have ftp access to the files and folders on your server then it is best that you wait for the release of the updated version which will most likely be released on Friday of this week (fingers crossed)
You can then update your installation via the dashboard.
dihakz replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there ANYONE that can help me debug this? If I can no longer add pages, the entire CMS is worthless! I need some support!

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you the super admin user?

Are you now using
dihakz replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes and Yes
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
If you run the developer console and go through the sequence that gives the problem, are there any errors showing? In particular, scripts or css files that fail to load, or script errors once scripts have loaded?
manup replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply

Try to replace the old js file /js/ccm.app.js with /updates/concretex.x.x/js/ccm.app.js

May solve the issue...

Try it..

I have solved the issue
dihakz replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for the help, Manup!! That did the trick.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
That this solution works suggests that your site is unable to tell the difference between the old core and the update. You should check config/site.php, and in particular, that the last line points to the correct update.