Lost Edit Mode after upgrading from 5.3.2 through to
I've looked over forum, and checked the footer.php and Java Console but haven't seen any problems there.
I've cleared the cache and tried in both Chrome and IE8, but no luck.
I'm flummoxed.
I've cleared the cache and tried in both Chrome and IE8, but no luck.
I'm flummoxed.
Yes the upgrade was successful and the site is working and I'm not seeing any other issues. I ran it through about 8 staged version/patch upgrades as described in an article on this site.
Is the login working? Can you go to dashboard?
I wouldn't be looking for Edit mode if I couldn't login! :-)
Dashboard is fine.
The problem I have is with Edit Mode, nothing else.
Dashboard is fine.
The problem I have is with Edit Mode, nothing else.
It needs to check the code as everything seems to be working fine. You have checked the footer.php also (I assume the <?php Loader::element('footer_required'); ?> is there).
Yes, as I said in my OP, I checked footer.php
If you want, then PM me the details of this site.
URL, admin details, FTP access
So that I'll have a look into it. But its up to you.
URL, admin details, FTP access
So that I'll have a look into it. But its up to you.
public_html/concrete/themes/default/elements/footer.php contents are:
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); ?> <div id="footer"> <span class="powered-by"><a href="http://www.concrete5.org" title="<?php echo t('concrete5 - open source content management system for PHP and MySQL')?>"><?php echo t('concrete5 - open source CMS')?></a></span> © <?php echo date('Y')?> <a href="<?php echo DIR_REL?>/"><?php echo SITE?></a>. <?php echo t('All rights reserved.')?> <?php $u = new User(); if ($u->isRegistered()) { ?> <?php if (Config::get("ENABLE_USER_PROFILES")) { $userName = '<a href="' . $this->url('/profile') . '">' . $u->getUserName() . '</a>'; } else { $userName = $u->getUserName(); }
Viewing 15 lines of 25 lines. View entire code block.
Make sure you don't have a link to jquery in your header. Concrete adds this itself and there's no edit bar when jquery is double.
I'll look but there have been no site edits since yesterday's upgrade, mostly because of the lack of an Edit Mode.
Nothing like that I can see. I've attached the file.
The site was written 4 years ago and hasn't been touched much since then I believe beyond minor content and form edits. No one (myself included) has touched the code.
The site was written 4 years ago and hasn't been touched much since then I believe beyond minor content and form edits. No one (myself included) has touched the code.
I looked through some other site posts about Edit mode problems, and someone said to turn on debugging, which I did. While clicking around the site, I got a message that a line in view.php couldn't find a particular header.php.
Noting the path I realised that a particular theme path was now changed or missing (or both).
Concrete was looking for a "colonial" theme that no longer existed, so I renamed the "default" folder "colonial" and hey presto, the Edit bar returned. However, there were some miscellaneous problems, so I undid the renaming, and made a "colonial" theme folder with the same contents as "default". That allows me to go in make form edits, and then save them, and then I rename the "colonial" theme on exit.
Summary: My guess is that some other concrete file (view.php?) that referenced the header and footer got whacked in the upgrade. I'm not a Concrete programmer and just wanted to enable CAPTCHA in some forms (which is what necessitated the upgrade). Right now, they only seem to be visible when I log in to the site so they're not terribly useful. So I'm probably going to leave the site alone and get someone else to rewrite it.
Noting the path I realised that a particular theme path was now changed or missing (or both).
Concrete was looking for a "colonial" theme that no longer existed, so I renamed the "default" folder "colonial" and hey presto, the Edit bar returned. However, there were some miscellaneous problems, so I undid the renaming, and made a "colonial" theme folder with the same contents as "default". That allows me to go in make form edits, and then save them, and then I rename the "colonial" theme on exit.
Summary: My guess is that some other concrete file (view.php?) that referenced the header and footer got whacked in the upgrade. I'm not a Concrete programmer and just wanted to enable CAPTCHA in some forms (which is what necessitated the upgrade). Right now, they only seem to be visible when I log in to the site so they're not terribly useful. So I'm probably going to leave the site alone and get someone else to rewrite it.