Lost hard drive over weekend, now locked out
I have been locked out of one of my own websites.
Over the weekend my hard drive died and I have lost all my data including written down passwords etc. I have a techie trying to save some of it.
I am trying to log into a Concrete site I am the admin of but it has locked me out and told me to contact the administrator (which is me)
I have reset the password with my email address but my IP address is locked down.
I am trying to get my core commerce module installed today and I cant get in.
Any assistance greatly appreciated.
Over the weekend my hard drive died and I have lost all my data including written down passwords etc. I have a techie trying to save some of it.
I am trying to log into a Concrete site I am the admin of but it has locked me out and told me to contact the administrator (which is me)
I have reset the password with my email address but my IP address is locked down.
I am trying to get my core commerce module installed today and I cant get in.
Any assistance greatly appreciated.

Nigel, I haven't used the IP blocking feature in C5 before, but the data for that is saved in the UserBannedIPs table in your C5 database. If you still have access to your database you can just delete the row that corresponds to your IP.
OK. Thanks for that Todd.
I deleted what I thought was my IP address and now I cant get
Unable to connect to the database
A database error occured.
I only deleted one line can I undelete or go back??
Unable to connect to the database
A database error occured.
I only deleted one line can I undelete or go back??
The guys at the server said they could restore the database to yesterday for 10 bucks.
That should fix it.
Moral of the story is don't f*** with the database.
That should fix it.
Moral of the story is don't f*** with the database.
just try changing that ip to some random one :) i doubt that will mess it up but make a buckup just incase :)
just try changing that ip to some random one :) i doubt that will mess it up but make a buckup just incase :)
You should take free advice for what it's worth. :-)
Seriously, though, deleting a row in the UserBannedIPs table isn't going to block access to the whole DB. I don't even have any data in that table. The only thing done with data there is to count rows and prevent access if the number matching (IP) is greater than 0. You've got something else going on.
Seriously, though, deleting a row in the UserBannedIPs table isn't going to block access to the whole DB. I don't even have any data in that table. The only thing done with data there is to count rows and prevent access if the number matching (IP) is greater than 0. You've got something else going on.