Lost information
Hi All
A team colleague updated our project website before I backed up and it crashed and burned half way and wont function anymore.
Does anyone know of a way to recover "text" from the files/pages we cannot now run/see/find/access .... (where does concrete store all this info?)
We are rebuilding but don't seem to have copies of much that was there.
Any ideas very much appreciated.
(PS - I use concrete5 because I don't have to code/think about it too much :) )
A team colleague updated our project website before I backed up and it crashed and burned half way and wont function anymore.
Does anyone know of a way to recover "text" from the files/pages we cannot now run/see/find/access .... (where does concrete store all this info?)
We are rebuilding but don't seem to have copies of much that was there.
Any ideas very much appreciated.
(PS - I use concrete5 because I don't have to code/think about it too much :) )
Hi Gondwana. Oops, sorry should have added the following - when trying to run the site i get the error message: (post update fail)
Fatal error: Class 'View' not found in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/bricks/concrete/core/libraries/loader.php on line 252
This is no longer on the websitehttp://bricks.org.nz (It's now a new one) but copied to localhost trying to recover text from old one.
I tried with the paths you mentioned but I'm guessing the update screwed it up prety good :( Still don't think I will ever see the pages working again. BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP :(
Cheers and thanks for you ideas anyway
Fatal error: Class 'View' not found in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/bricks/concrete/core/libraries/loader.php on line 252
This is no longer on the websitehttp://bricks.org.nz (It's now a new one) but copied to localhost trying to recover text from old one.
I tried with the paths you mentioned but I'm guessing the update screwed it up prety good :( Still don't think I will ever see the pages working again. BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP :(
Cheers and thanks for you ideas anyway
you might be able to unpublish the miscreant page versions.