Magnifying Glass in Search Bar

Two questions related to the search bar. First, in a desktop browser, the search 'bar' appears as a circle. How can I display the magnifying glass inside this circle? Although it doesnt have any indication of search, the search function does work fine. If I cant add the glass, how about just adding the word 'search', or even making the circle a wider box?

Second question, is that on a mobile device the search "bar" / circle shows as an oblong shape which is too large for the navigation bar. How can I make it a round circle and how can I make it smaller?

You can see the issue here:

thank you

appliculture replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, it look like this is a CSS issue.

check your screen.css and update this url with a working url that with your magnifing glass.

Same for your second issue. This is CSS related. you can change everything on the screen.css file.

Let me know