Maintenance Mode lock out

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I logged in and enabled "maintenance mode" in the dashboard of my website. Then I went to add a post using Blogga, when I completed entering the info about the post I clicked to add the page to my site. Then this message was given for my website, "Coming Back Soon
This site is currently down for maintenance." Now what do I do? I logged into the control panel of my hosting company with no solutions to this issue available that I know of. Any help would be appreciated! How do I get back into my website? I sure hope there is an easy fix available.

GodlyWriter replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay, I didn't find a fix per se...I did discover a way to get back in though. I went to my hosting account and checked my webmail for my website. Then I clicked on a new user that recently registered. I had a direct link within that website from concrete5 to her newly registered account. So I clicked on that link and it let me back into my website dashboard on her registration information page. From there I just clicked on a link of recent place that I had been, one of which was titled "maintenance mode." It took me to that page and I clicked "disable maintenance mode" and it appears to be working fine. It didn't address the issue of why I got locked out, but perhaps if the same thing has happened to someone else at least there is hope for getting back in and disabling it as I did.
GodlyWriter replied on at Permalink Reply
If someone knows how or why the problem occurred or how I can fix it, so that I can actually use maintenance mode that would be helpful also :)
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
As the site admin, you should be able to login at or If that does not work, you can use phpMyAdmin from your host control panel to get to the config table and delete the row for maintenance mode so taking the site out of maintenance mode.

There is also a howto about restoring admin login, not quite the same, but a related problem.
GodlyWriter replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, John...I never use that method to log-in so completely forgot about it. Although, I managed to get back in using the method I described above this one seems like a much more simple way to access my account. It seems I try to build a bridge, when I could just wade through the stream :)