Make blog articles listing visible but restrict access to full articles using advanced permissions
On the blog page that shows what articles are available, I want the blog entry thumbnails, title and descriptions visible, but restrict access to actually opening the articles to paying clients. Attached is a screenshot showing what should show for guests, but they should not be able to open the articles and read them -- only paying clients.
I've successfully made "Blog Entry" page type only visible to user groups "Administrators" and "Clients", but the problem is the article thumbnail, title and descriptions then become not visible on the blog page.
How can I show the blog article listing but grant access to open the articles only to the "Clients" user group? Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.
I've successfully made "Blog Entry" page type only visible to user groups "Administrators" and "Clients", but the problem is the article thumbnail, title and descriptions then become not visible on the blog page.
How can I show the blog article listing but grant access to open the articles only to the "Clients" user group? Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.

The Page List+ add-on by skybluesofa is a pretty solid solution for this, as it has an option to display pages in the list even if users cant view those pages. I use this ad-on all over the place!! Just a thought...
you actually have me wondering if it isn't possible to:
1. Create an "area" in your page type php file
2. Modify the Page List Teasers add-on to display this new "area"
3. Set the blog post page view to "clients"
4. Set the view permissions on the new "area" on your blog post page to ALLOW guests to view.
5. Now your Page List, with the Teasers template applied, should display whatever you have in your new "area" for each blog post in the list, no matter WHO is logged in/out, but only "clients will be able to actually view the page!
I haven't tested this but I don't see any reason this shouldn't work...
1. Create an "area" in your page type php file
2. Modify the Page List Teasers add-on to display this new "area"
3. Set the blog post page view to "clients"
4. Set the view permissions on the new "area" on your blog post page to ALLOW guests to view.
5. Now your Page List, with the Teasers template applied, should display whatever you have in your new "area" for each blog post in the list, no matter WHO is logged in/out, but only "clients will be able to actually view the page!
I haven't tested this but I don't see any reason this shouldn't work...
Excellent Rony. Looks good. Thanks for the example!
I suppose it would be easier to just copy the Page list "blog index" custom template and edit that to display the new "area" rather than dealing with Page List Teasers...