make my file set public
I have set up a site for a client and given them a login to edit but they cannot access the file sets I created. I think the file sets need to be made 'public' in order to be viewed by other administrators. At the moment they can view the images but not search by set (crazy as this seems). Is there any way to change the sets to 'public' after they are created?

If you go to the File Set and check the box for "Enable custom permissions for this file set." you should be able to set permissions as you would like.
If I go to the fileset
The only option I see is to rename it or delete it...
The only option I see is to rename it or delete it...
What version are you using?
The permissions for this must have come somewhere between 5.7.5 and
I'm actually on
When I'm logged in as the admin user (userID=1) and I click on a File Set from the File Sets page the attached image is what I see
OK, thanks. I don't see that option.
Do you have advanced permissions switched on?
Do you have advanced permissions switched on?
I setup a new test site on my local dev with 5.7.5 when we started this and I created a File Set, without Advanced Permissions I don't have that checkbox either. However users in my Administrator group can search using these File Sets in the File Manager. So maybe this isn't so much a permissions issue. Are you sure that the user you setup is in the Administrators group?
Yes the user is an administrator and they can see file sets if they are 'public'. However, if the file set comes under 'My Sets' (Admin superuser account) in the file set list then the other user cannot see them.
Thanks for your help. I'll switch to advanced permissions and hopefully can then solve the problem.
This is a peculiar issue though. Not being able to change the setting and mis-naming it 'public' (instead of eg. 'all users') is very unhelpful.
Thanks for your help. I'll switch to advanced permissions and hopefully can then solve the problem.
This is a peculiar issue though. Not being able to change the setting and mis-naming it 'public' (instead of eg. 'all users') is very unhelpful.
I don't even see how a person gets the File Set into "My Sets" so I'm not sure how to help, but you could just go into the database into the FileSets table and change the fsType to 1 which is Public
OK. I switched to advanced permissions and administrators should now be able to search, edit, delete etc. However the set still does not appear in the other account.
This looks very much like a bug to me or, at least, unexpected and unwelcome functionality.
This looks very much like a bug to me or, at least, unexpected and unwelcome functionality.
Whereabouts should I be seeing this option?
Dashboard -> Files -> File Sets -> Set to Change (Detail page) this is the URL to mine /index.php/dashboard/files/sets/view_detail/1 I am able to see this option with the Super User (userID = 1) and also an Administrator user.