make site smaller

Permalink 1 user found helpful
I like my site but I' d like all the elements a bit smaller - as if I zoom out a level, is there any easy way to do so or do I have to change everything manually ??

Marinosk replied on at Permalink Reply
that' s ok I found it myself - I just altered the width of the site in css and everything automatically was resized..
Marinosk replied on at Permalink Reply
no it' s not - sorry

I had zoomed it earlier and it looked nice but it wasn' t..

any ideas ?
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
have to do it manually.
Marinosk replied on at Permalink Reply
I google it and tried this:

body {zoom: 80%}

it works on safari but not on opera or firefox..
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
want to do something like width: 80%; and then adjust all the values to 80% of their previous.
mmdan replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi did you figure this out I'm wanting to do the same, can one of the senior developers help as this is a common question.

