Member page not showing up in dashboard site map.

Please help. I am trying to change my site map order in the dashboard, but the "member" page does not show up (after enabling public profile). It shows up on my "search" page site map as implemented through the use of a block. The member page itself (properties) does not have anything disabled that would prevent it from showing up. I tried running automated jobs, reindex, etc. hoping that would help, but still having the same problem. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

shotrox replied on at Permalink Reply
I seem to have a similar problem. The member page does not show up in the navigation (in my case superfish addon)
I would love to find out what we do wrong...

Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
When on the sitemap look to the top right for the tab marked options. Click the options tab, select show system pages, and then members page will show in sitemap along with the other system pages.