Menu buttons on dashboard unresponsive

Hey there,

I'm trying to add a new page to my site, but all of the menu items on sub menus on the dashboard have stopped working. For example, if I go to the Site Map, it shows up. But then I cannot click any of the menu items (V ? * X) on the top right, nor can I expand/collapse different groups of pages. And clicking to add a new page also doesn't work. This happens on all of the pages. Though menu items in an add-on do seem to work, it's just the built in ones that break.

I've done 3 things since I last was able to use these menus.
1) I generated a sitemap.xml from the Automated Jobs menu.
2) I installed MediaWiki in a sub directory of where concrete5 is installed. (I'm leaning towards this as having broken things...)
3) I added the Page Redirect Block ( to the page, but then decided I didn't need it and disassociated it from the project via the concrete5 website.

My goal was to add an external URL to the Nav menu that would point to that MediaWiki, but something somewhere has gone wrong.

Arequal replied on at Permalink Reply
It seems you have a jQuery issue.
Maybe there is a layer over these buttons that you can't click.
Maybe a javascript error halts the javascript engine.....
¿Which Concrete5 and browser version are you running?

If you are using Chrome you can right click over these buttons and inspect the element
williarj replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm using Chrome 26.0.1410.65 and concrete 5.5.2, If I inspect the element I get something that looks reasonable:

<a href="javascript:void(0)" onmouseover="ccm_togglePopover(event, this)" class="ccm-icon-navigate-pages" title="Dashboard" id="ccm-page-navigate-pages">Help</a>
Arequal replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
If I were you I would disable basic cache. It's weird, but I have some bad experiences with this feature.

¿Have you tried to upgrade to Concrete5 5.6XXX? I advise you to upgrade strongly.
Version 5.5 have issue with cache and some strange bugs.
williarj replied on at Permalink Reply
An upgrade to 5.6 did the trick! Thanks a ton!