Missing Content Blocks in Profile and Order History Pages

I have added content blocks to the Profile and Order History pages, with simple text (e.g. Hello). I can see and edit these blocks only when I'm logged in as super admin. I can't see the blocks when viewing the page as an admin (edit mode or non-edit mode) or another user type.
The pages used to work and recently broke, but not sure how.
Both pages are (by design) only accessible after login to the site. I originally had overridden the permissions at the page level and at the block level (so certain blocks available only to certain user group members), which used to work, but I stripped all that out in trying to troubleshoot this. I stripped everything back to Inherit permission (page level and block level, with default View set to Guest) but still can't get blocks to appear on these pages for anyone but super admin. I verified that the current page version (in bold) is the one viewed by super admin and admin (in edit mode).
I tried reverting to earlier page versions (copy earlier version, then approve), using both super admin approval and admin approval, but no difference. Main issue is that other users not seeing what super admin can see.
Rest of site works, including other permission-specific blocks. Running
Going crazy...

mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
It might be faster to just rebuild those pages than to fight with permissions. I would build a duplicate of the page (somewhere inaccessible to the public) and then move it to the proper place in the tree and delete the troublesome page(s).
pkeller replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Michael. I just tried this, but I think I'm having issues because these are special pages created by c5 (Profile page) and the ecommerce add on (Order History)
For the Order History page, I created a nearly blank Order History page (containing only a simple echo command) as a subpage of Test within the Profile branch. I registered the page via the Dashboard Single Page. I was able to see the page by all users. I applied permissions to limit to Admin users and OK so far. I then tried adding the code from the ecommerce Order History php page (from the Single Pages/Profile folder), and the code didn't work in the Single Pages/Profile/Test location, resulting in a blank page. I copied the new Order History file to the Single Pages/Profile folder (overwriting the existing file), then used the Dashboard Single Page Refresh option to register the update. I could then see the Order History table, as well as the simple echo command I had added on the new Order History page. However, the super admin could also see the block added in an earlier version. The Admin user could not see that block, and could not add new blocks in the main section of the page. So same issue as before.
It seems like you need to delete the current Order History page all together to reset the page versions, but I notice when I deleted even a test page from within Profiles I received a warning I might mess up the database (I now recall I earlier deleted a different test file from within Profiles. Is that what caused this issue?)
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Humm... the Profile pages deal with member's data so it's certainly possible that deleting Single Pages that handle membership information could halt any process that is looking for that information. I'm wondering if toggling 'Public Profiles' off and back on again might re-instate the missing Profile pages
pkeller replied on at Permalink Reply
Dang, I was hoping that worked, but no.
I just stumbled on this suggestion to remove temp files from the server (http://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/customizing_c5/how_delete_single_pages/) so I'll see if that works
Thanks Michael
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm guessin' that didn't work.

Have a look here to see what Single Pages concrete5 installs for Profiles:


I would check to see that each of the pages listed on that page (that has anything to do with profiles) is showing up on your Dashboard->Single Pages list and that there is a corresponding PHP file under the concrete/single_pages directory. I would then 'refresh' each one of the pages that have anything to do with profiles.

Also check you log files both inside the concrete5 dashboard and your server logs for any errors. You might have to change your Logging settings and Debug settings in the Dashboard to make sure these errors get logged.
pkeller replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
OK, I verified I had all those pages in Profiles, and refreshed each in Dashboard Single Pages. I do have one log entry that occurred around the same time I noticed the error, but I didn't think it was related. (see attached Exceptions)
Yes, problem still persists. To recap, the issue is that only the super admin can edit or view blocks within the main area of these 2 pages within the Profile. All other pages may be edited as permitted by Set Permissions
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
I beg to differ. That error message certainly has something to do with the profiles because it has /Profiles right at the end!

The CollectionVersionBlocksOutputCache table looks like it could be corrupt. Have you tried turning off all the c5 caching and clearing the cache?
pkeller replied on at Permalink Reply
I think that exception occurred when I was trying to edit a header block, which includes a link to the Profile page (the reference to the Profile page is just a link to the Profile page)
I've cleared cache many times over the last couple days. I looked at the CollectionVersionBlocksOutputCache table yesterday and it had many records, but notice today it has no records. Should clearing the cache remove all the records from that table then?
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, clearing the cache deletes all the records in that table on my system.

I'm grasping at straws now, I'm afraid.
pkeller replied on at Permalink Reply
lol, thanks for taking the time. I've been grasping at straws for a couple days, so welcome to my world!