Missing Graphics

I have started building a Website and can not get the image to appear on it. I import tht image, a 10K Gif and the Filemanger shows a square with a red cross I then edit a block and selecet the image to go in the site and the correct image appears. I click update and all I get is a square box with the red cross on the page. In the file manager I click on edit and picnik displays the image fine but still not in File Manager or the website. What am I doing wrong. The sitehttp://www.calnescouts.co.uk is hosted byhttp://www.123-reg.co.uk/ on a Lynux server. The image size is only 283 x 181. This site worked fine on my localhost install but I have not got past uploading any graphics so have come to a stop. I am using v5.4.1.1. I have limited CMS experiance and chose C5 because it looked straight forward. Can anybody please help.

TechBlessings replied on at Permalink Reply
I took a quick look at your site. I noticed text on the right side called beavers.gif. When I try to force viewing the file, I get the following error:

You don't have permission to access /files/8913/0005/1982/12899459975_G8nrG.jpg on this server.

This looks to me like there is a permission issue with the file, either from a Concrete5 or a linux permissions perspective.

I hope that points you in the right direction.

simonlonsdale replied on at Permalink Reply
I have gone in to file permissions with the File Manager on my host and set all the permissions on the graphic and thumbnail to yes for RWE on Admin,User and Guest and the picture now appears. If I have to do this for every picture I can not allocate webediting to all the Groups Leaders to update their own pages.

Your help has been great already I am on a steeplearning curve Thanks.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
There may be something weird going on with your server setup, but normally whatever permissions a directory has are the permissions that new files will get when created there, so as long as you set the RWE permissions on the "files" directory, you *should* be okay going forward. Is it possible that the files having permissions troubles were not uploaded by users but rather copied there during a deployment of your site?
simonlonsdale replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I think there is something to do with the server. The files I have uploaded by ftp during the setup worked fine. Before posting to this site I had set the Files folder with full permissions and also the Thumbnails. I have uploaded new images today and still have to go in to Filemanager through the host site and click on every new folder and image file in the files directory.

Is it something I did not do on setup or the SQL setup a problem. I have initated this work round of using the file manager but the Scout Leaders will not be able to do that. Fustrating as C5 is such an easy CMS to use.

I think it is time to speak with the hosting company. I know at least one other person on C5 hosts through this company so contacting them might help.

Again thanks for your help.
TechBlessings replied on at Permalink Reply
What about file ownership? If the web server user (usually wwwdata) does not have proper access to the files, then it will not be able to display them. So, your user may be RWE but if the wwwdata user has -WE, then you will be able to save the file but not display them.

simonlonsdale replied on at Permalink Reply
I though I would finish this post by giving the answer that I found today. 123-reg change the permissions on every picture file uploaded to 644. The full solution and be found athttp://www.concrete5.org/index.php?cID=243886&editmode=...

