Modify form for Like button?
I have a site where visitors can listen to mp3 messages. I would like to add a "like" button for people to say they like the message when listening to it. Previously I used a form builder with some code to send the name of the message to my email, but I like the concrete5 form builder-- is there any way to do this with the included form builder? I can't figure out a way to modify the code and add a button.

there is a free like package in the marketplace,
I see a Facebook like button but nothing else... which one do you refer to? Thanks.
That's a great add-on... but unfortunately I'm not sure how to make it meet my needs since all my messages are played on the same page. I would need some way to show not only the page url but also the query string on the end of it (after ?)... Maybe it shows this, but I don't see where any data is stored, just the number of people who like the page...?
I will attempting to implement something similar soon. I currently am thinking of the below option:
The below assumes you have setup an App (create an app before going to step one (you cannot create an app if you are browsing facebook as your facebook page, you have to be browsing facebook under your personal facebook account (so app ids connect you and your page in some way), if you have many apps you will pic which app to associate the like button with in step four)
Step one:
Step two:
Enter the url to the file (including the files full name). Example:
(you must have http:// at the start of the url)
Step three:
adjust the like settings to your needs:
Step four:
Press the get code button (you will get a POP-UP window and you will need the code from both sections of the window) (there are three code options HTML5 XFBML IFRAME .... I am successfully using the HTML5 option)
If you have more than one APP than the pop up screen is where you pick which app to associate the like button with:
(Just to the left of ==> "This script uses the app ID of your app:" (APP NAME HERE which is a pull down box) be sure to change to the desired app name prior to coping the code.
Step five:
Copy the first bit of code to a text window, then copy the second bit of code to the same text window (one below the other) (this text window is just a temporary place to copy the code out.... copy it to where ever you want as a temp holding place)
Step six:
Create a stack: Stack name "some type of description". Open the stack and add a HTML block, and copy then paste the content from step five (from your temp holding place or directly from the pop-up window be sure to copy both)
I prefer to create stacks opposed to adding a block to a page, because concrete5 and these type scripts, do not always play nice together, and you may end up with a missing EDIT button. If you added the script directly to the page, you can add some php to the page to comment out the script, but if you first create a stack and then add it to the page, you can just delete or edit the stack and get your edit button back.
Step seven:
save and approve the block/stack
Step eight: navigate to the page that has the media file "media file one". Add this stack / block below or beside the media file
Step nine: repeat the above steps, but use a different url with a different file name example: optionally you could create different face book app-ids for each media file, but that may be over kill and you may be limited to a certain number of app ids
I am guessing that because each instance would have a different url ending, that the facebook insights would track all this.
Not sure if there is an easier way to do this. I sure would like to know if there is. I hope this is helpful to someone.
The below assumes you have setup an App (create an app before going to step one (you cannot create an app if you are browsing facebook as your facebook page, you have to be browsing facebook under your personal facebook account (so app ids connect you and your page in some way), if you have many apps you will pic which app to associate the like button with in step four)
Step one:
Step two:
Enter the url to the file (including the files full name). Example:
(you must have http:// at the start of the url)
Step three:
adjust the like settings to your needs:
Step four:
Press the get code button (you will get a POP-UP window and you will need the code from both sections of the window) (there are three code options HTML5 XFBML IFRAME .... I am successfully using the HTML5 option)
If you have more than one APP than the pop up screen is where you pick which app to associate the like button with:
(Just to the left of ==> "This script uses the app ID of your app:" (APP NAME HERE which is a pull down box) be sure to change to the desired app name prior to coping the code.
Step five:
Copy the first bit of code to a text window, then copy the second bit of code to the same text window (one below the other) (this text window is just a temporary place to copy the code out.... copy it to where ever you want as a temp holding place)
Step six:
Create a stack: Stack name "some type of description". Open the stack and add a HTML block, and copy then paste the content from step five (from your temp holding place or directly from the pop-up window be sure to copy both)
I prefer to create stacks opposed to adding a block to a page, because concrete5 and these type scripts, do not always play nice together, and you may end up with a missing EDIT button. If you added the script directly to the page, you can add some php to the page to comment out the script, but if you first create a stack and then add it to the page, you can just delete or edit the stack and get your edit button back.
Step seven:
save and approve the block/stack
Step eight: navigate to the page that has the media file "media file one". Add this stack / block below or beside the media file
Step nine: repeat the above steps, but use a different url with a different file name example: optionally you could create different face book app-ids for each media file, but that may be over kill and you may be limited to a certain number of app ids
I am guessing that because each instance would have a different url ending, that the facebook insights would track all this.
Not sure if there is an easier way to do this. I sure would like to know if there is. I hope this is helpful to someone.