Modifying Auto Nav

I am working on creating a css and js flyout menu for autonav block. I have in the my folders set up site\packages\fruitful\blocks\autonav\templates\my_dropdown_nav in that folder i have a view.css view,js view,php. I have got it set up that the block is reading the view.css however i can not get the view.js to work correctly. I have attached my files. I have already searched the forums to try and find something to help

1 Attachment

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi landollweb,

The problem is you are using "my_dropdown_nav" as the class for the ul in view.php and "my-dropdown-nav" in view.js.

echo '<ul class="my_dropdown_nav">'; //opens the top-level menu

$(' > li a').mouseover(function(){
landollweb replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you cant believe i didnt see that yesterday.