Modifying Elemental Theme Templates


I want to modify the project page template, so the changes will be reflected in all pages. How do I do that (without coding)?


hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
What exactly are you trying to change? The only changes you can really make without going into the website files are in the Dashboard -> Pages & Themes -> Page Types
netart replied on at Permalink Reply
I am putting my question in this area, since i cannot find any better...
Can you please tell me how can i make the Elemental image slider to show as full-width covering like the one in Fruitful?
What is the code for that and what file do i need to change?
Maybe : blocks/image_slider/view.php and view.css?

Being a little newbie in 5.7, especially with all this .less ...
Thank you in advance
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe you can go to the front end of the website, click on the slider block and go to Design & Custom Template and then click the gear icon, under Block Container Class you can select Disable Grid Container and that should take it out of the "container" div and put it full screen.
netart replied on at Permalink Reply
No, my friend, it didn't do anything at all!
Still looks exactly the same...
Any more ideas?
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

The reason it looks the same is that the Image Slider block content has its own container.

The container CSS is in the Elemental theme in image-slider.less with variables from variables.less:

It looks like it will require modification to work like you are describing. Another option is to check the marketplace for something that does what you want already.