more options for the text editor

Hello there,

I just started using concrete 5 so I'm unite new to this.

Everything was going well until i needed to style some content text. In my html and inside the typography.css file i have an h7 and h8 tag but when i tried to use them in concrete 5 i couldn't find them.

I searched for an answer but i could only find how to add tags till h6 ( you add them through customize your toolbar. ) but when i add a h7 and h8 there they don't appear.

Is there a way to get this working.

I hope there is someone who can help me with this.


Blenderite replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
C5 isn't what is limiting you. HTML doesn't even have a H7 or H8. There is only H1 through H6. That is it. If you want anything else you have to add some CSS styling.
jocko replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for pointing that out, i did not know that.

Blenderite replied on at Permalink Reply
If you need to reference anything concerning HTML, CSS, Java, etc check this site out: