Moving default theme sidebar
Hey Forum.
Started using Concrete5 for my webpage - just using default theme, but instead of having 800px in width - I've chenge this to 900ppx.
So now I would like to make it fit to the new width - body and sidebar are actually working - but would like to move the sidebar delimiter a little bit to the right to make it fit.
But everything I'm trying - I'm getting my body block over the delimiter - annd showing up in the bottom under the body (seems like the bodyblock are to width and in front - where the delimiter are not visible - becaurse of overflow!
How is it possible to move the delimiter to fit!
Sidewidth 900px
bodywidth 700px
Sidebar delimiter 20px
Sidebar(rightside) 180px
I've struggled with this for a few days now and cannot make main.css to fit this wish.
Started using Concrete5 for my webpage - just using default theme, but instead of having 800px in width - I've chenge this to 900ppx.
So now I would like to make it fit to the new width - body and sidebar are actually working - but would like to move the sidebar delimiter a little bit to the right to make it fit.
But everything I'm trying - I'm getting my body block over the delimiter - annd showing up in the bottom under the body (seems like the bodyblock are to width and in front - where the delimiter are not visible - becaurse of overflow!
How is it possible to move the delimiter to fit!
Sidewidth 900px
bodywidth 700px
Sidebar delimiter 20px
Sidebar(rightside) 180px
I've struggled with this for a few days now and cannot make main.css to fit this wish.
It's difficult to say with out looking at the website, but I think I can point you in the right direction.
Go to:
concrete > themes > default > images
and look for 'nav_sidebar_right_bg.gif'
As you can see that's your beloved delimiter. In order to move that dots bar to the right you have to edit your css file, line 34, from this:
to this:
Notice I replaced the first 'center' for '10px'. That moves the background image 10px to the right.
-10px would move it to the left, but that's not what you want, obviously. You get the idea.
If that doesn't work please provide a link to your website.
Hope it helped!