My Concrete5 dashboard stops working on some pages

Two of the pages in my site can no longer be edited in concrete5! The toolbar on top is just... BLANK! (see attached screenshot).

I am not sure if this is something I did wrong in the theme (there is some page-specific extra code in theme), or if it is because of the content in the page itself--which I cannot change or pull out in order to verify the problem!

Is there any alternate way to edit content if you can't do it from the page itself?

1 Attachment

Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi dpowers,

The most frequent causes of this I've observed have been
A) A recently installed add-on unique to those pages is creating a conflict. From the Dashboard's sitemap, activate an earlier (pre-add-on) page version and delete the current one.
B) I've seen some photo galleries behave badly if a new image is too big, (resize or replace image from file manager) or if they try to display an image set that has been erased (recreate missing set in file manager) etc.
C) Upgrading site but not upgrading the add-ons (upgrade add-ons to resolve)

Hope one of these help you out :)

Arvixe Web Hosting / Concrete5 Community Liaison |
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
You need to close the slideshow javascript.

I see:

Should be:
dpowers replied on at Permalink Reply

I Figured it out. The main thing I learned, is that the editing toolbar is liable to stop working if JS on the page is buggy. I fixed my problems by following these steps:

1. I had been loading some of my JS in a "hacky" way, so I had to ensure that all javascript was correctly loaded via PHP calls in my theme header.php (using $this->addHeaderItem calls)

2. It turned out that some JS that another developer had written had a bug... I also had to comment out a problematic load.

After this, everything worked well.