mysql error: 2013: lost connection to mysql server
The last two or three updates, I get the error below when trying to back up by database:
mysql error: [2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query] in EXECUTE("select tpID, tpHandle, tpName, tpDescription, pkgID from TaskPermissions where tpHandle = 'backup'")
I still do the update and everything seems to work okay I'm currently at which I upgraded to today.
I just keep getting that error message and can't back-up my database from within concrete5. I was able to export my concrete database from the server (Jumpline) control panel but not in concrete.
Does anyone have an idea what's going on?
mysql error: [2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query] in EXECUTE("select tpID, tpHandle, tpName, tpDescription, pkgID from TaskPermissions where tpHandle = 'backup'")
I still do the update and everything seems to work okay I'm currently at which I upgraded to today.
I just keep getting that error message and can't back-up my database from within concrete5. I was able to export my concrete database from the server (Jumpline) control panel but not in concrete.
Does anyone have an idea what's going on?