nav bar
I am new to concrete5 and I just start building my site and I had elemental theme.
I am trying to fix my nav bar as a drop menu for example: under course I want two pages, but the course itself is not a page. How I can do that, how I can make course just not a clickable. I want when the one click on it gives just the options( subpages).
I am new to concrete5 and I just start building my site and I had elemental theme.
I am trying to fix my nav bar as a drop menu for example: under course I want two pages, but the course itself is not a page. How I can do that, how I can make course just not a clickable. I want when the one click on it gives just the options( subpages).
This is the site
I want for example here the people have these pages but itself not a pgae?
Is there any way to make people not clikable?. I dont want to clike on it and take me to the first child. I did that but I am trying to find other better solution.
I want for example here the people have these pages but itself not a pgae?
Is there any way to make people not clikable?. I dont want to clike on it and take me to the first child. I did that but I am trying to find other better solution.
Can you provide a url / link to check?