Navbar External links problem
I am unable to create an external link from my main menu, I set up using add external link option but when I try to use this it comes up with oops error 404 link cannot be found. I am using the suckerfish drop down menu addon could this be the reason or can anybody think of any other reasons for this problem. I have tried various web addresses to make sure it was not a problem with the address but it still comes up with the error message.
Thanks in advance for any help
Thanks in advance for any help

do you have an example URL?
I experienced this same problem my friend.. I was informed I was not running the most recent version of super fish. That's all I got. Try a fresh install, get it it from your profile>downloads.
When I first started playing with C5 (which was recently) I had the same problem. I figured out that I had enabled pretty URL's when I started playing with the features without actually putting the code inside the concrete file (which I still haven't figured out how to do with Filezilla?) Try disabling pretty URL's if your enabled it and see if that helps.
When I first started playing with C5 (which was recently) I had the same problem. I figured out that I had enabled pretty URL's when I started playing with the features without actually putting the code inside the concrete file (which I still haven't figured out how to do with Filezilla?) Try disabling pretty URL's if your enabled it and see if that helps.
I will get latest superfish download today and let you know if this rectifies problem, however I do not have pretty URLs enabled yet (That is my next task when this is sorted) so hopefully it will be down to me having an older version of superfish.