navigation issue

I followed the steps for this tutorial:

But the navigation/drop down menu does not show up?

See: , the navigation is supposed to be to the right of the logo, above the banner.

Any suggestions on why it does not show up?

markmunsee replied on at Permalink Reply
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, Part of your nav has been set to display:none; which is why its not showing up, line below:

<ul class="sf-menu multicolumn dualcolumn" id="nav" style="left: auto; display: none; width: 2320px;"><li class="nav-selected nav-path-selected">
markmunsee replied on at Permalink Reply
Where do i go to edit this? and instead of 'none', what should it be? i checked the code for the default.php, i do not see it there.