Navigation menu doing some weird things

Re' Marketplace Silence Theme

Can anyone help please, because I'm not getting a lot of help from the theme developer and the theme worked perfectly until I did the theme update?

My website which is supposed to work responsively, doesn't work responsively. The key to making this work is by setting the auto-nav custom template to "Silence Nav" which I have done and it still doesn't work responsively.

Also the sitewide nav setting doesn't work now, because the nav appears to have different setting on different pages. For instance, if you go to the setting appears to be a "mobile only" nav menu, but when I look at the custom template for the nav, it is set correctly for the responsive setting "Silence Nav" as are all the others.

Also when I leave this page ( while in edit mode, the website signs itself out of edit mode. It also does this if I go from any page (eg the homepage) to this particular page in edit mode. In fact the only it will allow me to visit this page and stay in edit mode is if I go in via the sitemap.

The whole things seems of got screwed some-how! I'd be grateful for any help from my fellow C5'ers please, as I'm pulling my hair out now.

Thanks guys

thebigideasman replied on at Permalink Reply
Right, fingers crossed I seem to of got most of it working (and responsively) by deleting the Nav altogether, refreshing the cache, then turning off the "Cache & Speed Settings" and then reinstall the nav again. Then switching the Cache & Speed Settings back on again and it works!

...However, when I press "return to website" button on the top C5 edit menu bar, it still keeps signing me out of edit mode, ...any thoughts on that would gratefully appreciated please?
thebigideasman replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, it did work responsively and now it doesn't again and I haven't even put back in edit mode to do anything to it.

This is driving me nuts
SheldonB replied on at Permalink Reply
just chiming in because i had my own issues with my own nav bar especially when looking at it when logged in from admin

after clicking on your link the nav works i think in all the pages but the home unless you have it set up that way

I find allot of the time my browsers cache is the issue when trying to test things (I have to clear it repeatedly)
*mix in the c5 cache-ing this can lead to some pulling your hair out because you think you changed something but your still being shown the old page (no real way around it except turn them all off and clear them all the time)

also i to run into the missing edit bar at the top sometimes when signed in because I am being fed a cache when i was a guest usually just refreshing will bring the dashboard back up (this is usually a browser cache issue)

If your really unhappy you can manually download the last version you had of the theme and put it back up - other then that since its a bought theme I would wait for a response
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe your nav animation is crashing because your 'cookie disclosure' add-on is crashing. Right-click on the page and choose 'Inspect Element' then click the 'Console' tab and look for JavaScript errors.

This can also be the reason why your 'responsiveness' isn't always working. If your 'Disclosure' javascript is crashing the page then any javascript that controls the responsiveness will likely never get run. Try removing the 'Disclosure' add-on and see if that clears things up.

Regarding caching... If you look at the labels beside the C5 caching options, it clearly states that you should turn off the caching when building or editing your site.

You should also turn off the caches in all your browsers. In Chrome, hit CTRL+SHFT+'I' to turn on the 'Developer Tools'. Then click the gear icon in the bottom right corner and choose 'Disable Cache'.

Or you can add some stuff to the shortcut that opens Chrome as explained here:

The cache in Firefox and IE can be turned down to 0 in there respective settings and IE can be told to always grab new content.

I also suspect your logo is wider than the original 'Silence' theme anticipated. This will cause your nav to bleed over the logo until the screen size hits a narrower size and then it re-arranges things. If you were to re-do the logo so that the 'Ignite Your Brand' portion was below the 'Big Ideas'part, the responsive 'breakpoints' might work better.
thebigideasman replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Hi @mhawke,

Thank you for your help. Removing the cookie disclosure certainly helped with loss of edit bar and appearance of being signed-out.

But I now I either get the nav working as a desktop browser version (as it is now) and non-responsive, or I get it as the "mobile" only version as screen shot attached, which seems to be a lottery as to which appears. Btw, both of these are exactly the same custom settings. The screenshot is how it appeared first time on sign-out as "mobile" only setting (it looked fine in edit mode - as desktop version) and then all I did was sign back in, go to cache settings and switch off the cache again (I did this originally as advised btw), but this time left them them switched off when I signed out and then got the desktop version of the nav, but non-responsive. So then went back in, did the same again accept switch them back on again as 2nd screen shot attached and everything remained the same this time, as it is now - with the desktop browser version of website, but still non-responsive.

I'd be grateful if you can offer any further assistance.

Thank you
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm confused... you say you 'signed out as "mobile" only setting' - What 'setting' are you talking about.

To be honest, things look pretty good from here but I can't log in so I can't see exactly what you're seeing.

Please, just turn off the caching on C5 and your browsers and don't turn it on again until things are working the way you want. Turning the cache on and off will certainly confuse even the most seasoned developer. After you turn it off, clear the C5 cache and clear your browser's cache. And refresh your pages using CTRL+SHFT+'R'. You can either do this or go crazy... your choice ;-)

Also, I don't think the developer claims this theme is 'responsive'; he claims it is 'mobile-friendly' which is not exactly the same thing. Themes can adjust to screen sizes in several ways. One way is to use the CSS to essentially describe several different 'views' depending on the screen size reported by the browser. The other common way is to look at the 'User Agent' to see what device is being used and adjust the layout for that device. This second way is harder to develop on because you really need to have the mobile devices on hand to test the website. I believe the Silence theme uses the second technique so you will need to view your site on all the devices or find a good 'emulator' on the web that will display your site on the different devices.

I develop using the first technique (screen size breakpoints) so I am not an expert on the second technique. If anyone in the community knows of some good emulators, please chime in.
thebigideasman replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Sheldon, uninstalling the cookie disclosure add-on helped with the loss of the edit bar, that part appears to be fixed for now.