Need help with Auto-Nav


I'm very new to Concrete 5 and I was wondering if you guys could help me. In my Auto-Nav I have 6 pages. Last page is called "test page". To that page I added a child page called "test page 2". Now, when I click on "test page" my child page "test page 2" is not showing from the drop down menu.

I have attached 2 screen shoots. 1st is of my Auto-Nav not showing child page, and 2nd is of my sitemap.

Can you guys help?


2 Attachments

guythomas replied on at Permalink Reply
Click on your Auto Nav block and select "Edit"

You need to configure the block to show relevant sub-pages.

To do this, make the following selections:

Sub Pages to Display: Relevant Sub Pages

Sub-Page Levels: Display sub pages to current +1

See if that is what you are looking for.

lucasl1981 replied on at Permalink Reply

Thank you for your email.

I did as instructed, but nothing changed. Any idea why?

Still using version

fastcrash replied on at Permalink Reply
if you mean drop down menu,You cannot.
because the default css not supported.
you must buy superfish dropdown menu in marketplace. what? no money?

well you must think with your head. this the link show how to make supersalmon menu

but if you background came from web-design, it's going a headche a bit :)
pvernaglia replied on at Permalink Reply
If you are looking to have a drop down menu, auto nav won't do that. The menu items would always be visible if it is configured correctly. When you click the preview tab in auto nav do you see the all the pages you want to display? If you want drop down menus you need to get one of the other menu apps in the marketplace, Ukoa or Superfish
Bonniea replied on at Permalink Reply
I too am new to C5 and trying to set up my auto-nav. I just need basic instructions. Is there a tutorial that I am not finding?
I need help with basics like importing my menu from a registration site and setting up my blogs into auto-nav.
lucasl1981 replied on at Permalink Reply

That's very helpful.

Thank you.
