Need to 1) delete comments from blog, 2) block comments from blog


1) How do you block people from posting comments on a blog as a default? I have a blog page that is infested with nonsense spam comments. When I edit the comments block on the page, I see this message at the top:

"This block is an alias of Page Defaults. Editing it here will "disconnect" it so changes to Page Defaults will no longer affect this block."

However, I cannot find any trace of "Page defaults" anywhere on the Dashboard. "Disconnecting" the page sounds like a bad idea.

2) Is there any way to delete all the accumulated comments on a blog page? I spent ten minutes manually deleting what is there and don't think I've made a dent in the total amount (thank heaven I set blog comments to require approval).

Thanks for any help with this.

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Take a look at to get to where you can edit page defaults.

jcarls replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thanks! I was able to set the default for the blog. However, in doing so I ran into some related questions:

If a blog page has been "disconnected" from the default page, how to you reset it to inherit the defaults again?

I was able to edit the blog page, but when I tried to access the defaults for the other basic pages (e.g., left sidebar), it would display a header and footer, but clicking "Edit" produced no change. That may be expected if all I was seeing was a background from a master page. However, I cannot remember or find where a master page can be edited, and I actually need to make a change to the "FF&EZ Software" text that appears at the top of every page (see attached image). Do you know where that is located on the Dashboard? Thanks!
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't know of a way to re-connect a page (hence the warning)

as for the title, its either a block in global areas, or its the site name that you have defined in the dashboard.