For those without access... here is the request:
I have created a group called "Tax Exempt" and I need exclude all sales tax charges for that group to be waived on all products ( I found a post from 2012 and I am not sure if it is still viable ( It suggest dropping the following code
around line 172... but I have no idea if this is actually the correct place to insert the code.
I have attached the code below... can you please tell me if this is still a good solution and where exactly to drop the above code to affect the tax exempt feature?
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
if(!function_exists('fnmatch')) {
function fnmatch($pattern, $string) {
return preg_match("#^".strtr(preg_quote($pattern, '#'), array('\*' => '.*', '\?' => '.', '\[' => '[', '\]' => ']'))."$#i", $string);
} // end
class CoreCommerceSalesTaxRate extends Object {
public function getSalesTaxRateID() {return $this->salesTaxRateID;}
public function isSalesTaxRateEnabled() { return $this->salesTaxRateIsEnabled;}
public function getSalesTaxRateName() {return $this->salesTaxRateName;}
public function getSalesTaxRateStateProvince() {return $this->salesTaxRateStateProvince;}
public function getSalesTaxRateCountry() {return $this->salesTaxRateCountry;}
public function getSalesTaxRatePostalCode() {return $this->salesTaxRatePostalCode;}
public function isSalesTaxIncludedInProduct() {return $this->salesTaxRateIncludedInProduct;}
public function includeShippingInSalesTaxRate() {return $this->salesTaxRateIncludeShipping;}
public function getSalesTaxRateAmount() {return Loader::helper('number')->flexround($this->salesTaxRateAmount);}
public function getSalesTaxRateSpecialSet() {return $this->salesTaxRateSpecialSet;}
protected function load($salesTaxRateID) {
$db = Loader::db();
$row = $db->GetRow('select * from CoreCommerceSalesTaxRates where salesTaxRateID = ?', array($salesTaxRateID));
public static function getByID($salesTaxRateID) {
$ed = new CoreCommerceSalesTaxRate();
if ($ed->getSalesTaxRateID() > 0) {
return $ed;
public static function getList($filters = array()) {
$db = Loader::db();
$q = 'select salesTaxRateID from CoreCommerceSalesTaxRates where 1=1';
foreach($filters as $key => $value) {
if (is_string($key)) {
$q .= ' and ' . $key . ' = ' . $value . ' ';
} else {
$q .= ' and ' . $value . ' ';
$r = $db->Execute($q);
$list = array();
while ($row = $r->FetchRow()) {
$list[] = CoreCommerceSalesTaxRate::getByID($row['salesTaxRateID']);
return $list;
public function add($args) {
$txt = Loader::helper('text');
$_salesTaxRateIsEnabled = 0;
$_salesTaxRateIncludedInProduct = 0;
$_salesTaxRateIncludeShipping = 0;
if ($salesTaxRateIsEnabled) {
$_salesTaxRateIsEnabled = 1;
if ($salesTaxRateIncludedInProduct) {
$_salesTaxRateIncludedInProduct = 1;
if ($salesTaxRateIncludeShipping) {
$_salesTaxRateIncludeShipping = 1;
$db = Loader::db();
$a = array($salesTaxRateSpecialSet, $salesTaxRateName, $_salesTaxRateIsEnabled, $salesTaxRateAmount, $salesTaxRateCountry, $salesTaxRateStateProvince, $salesTaxRatePostalCode, $_salesTaxRateIncludedInProduct, $_salesTaxRateIncludeShipping);
$r = $db->query("insert into CoreCommerceSalesTaxRates (salesTaxRateSpecialSet, salesTaxRateName, salesTaxRateIsEnabled, salesTaxRateAmount, salesTaxRateCountry, salesTaxRateStateProvince, salesTaxRatePostalCode, salesTaxRateIncludedInProduct, salesTaxRateIncludeShipping) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", $a);
if ($r) {
$salesTaxRateID = $db->Insert_ID();
$rate = CoreCommerceSalesTaxRate::getByID($salesTaxRateID);
return $rate;
public function update($args) {
$txt = Loader::helper('text');
$_salesTaxRateIsEnabled = 0;
$_salesTaxRateIncludedInProduct = 0;
$_salesTaxRateIncludeShipping = 0;
if ($salesTaxRateIsEnabled) {
$_salesTaxRateIsEnabled = 1;
if ($salesTaxRateIncludedInProduct) {
$_salesTaxRateIncludedInProduct = 1;
if ($salesTaxRateIncludeShipping) {
$_salesTaxRateIncludeShipping = 1;
$db = Loader::db();
$a = array($salesTaxRateSpecialSet,$salesTaxRateName, $_salesTaxRateIsEnabled, $salesTaxRateAmount, $salesTaxRateCountry, $salesTaxRateStateProvince, $salesTaxRatePostalCode, $_salesTaxRateIncludedInProduct, $_salesTaxRateIncludeShipping, $this->getSalesTaxRateID());
$r = $db->query("update CoreCommerceSalesTaxRates set salesTaxRateSpecialSet = ?, salesTaxRateName = ?, salesTaxRateIsEnabled = ?, salesTaxRateAmount = ?, salesTaxRateCountry = ?, salesTaxRateStateProvince = ?, salesTaxRatePostalCode =?, salesTaxRateIncludedInProduct = ?, salesTaxRateIncludeShipping = ? where salesTaxRateID = ?", $a);
if ($r) {
$newrate = CoreCommerceSalesTaxRate::getByID($salesTaxRateID);
return $newrate;
public static function setupEnabledRates($order) {
$address = $order->getAttribute('shipping_address');
if (!is_object($address)) {
$address = $order->getAttribute('billing_address');
if (!is_object($address)) {
return false;
$list = self::getList();
if(CoreCommerceOrderAttributeKey::getByHandle('other_tax')) {
foreach($list as $rate) {
$doTax = false;
$amount = 0;
if ($rate->isSalesTaxRateEnabled()) {
if ($rate->getSalesTaxRateCountry() != '' && $rate->getSalesTaxRateStateProvince() && $rate->getSalesTaxRatePostalCode() != '') {
// they have to be in all three
$doTax = ($rate->getSalesTaxRateCountry() == $address->getCountry() && $rate->getSalesTaxRateStateProvince() == $address->getStateProvince() && fnmatch($rate->getSalesTaxRatePostalCode(), $address->getPostalCode()));
} else if ($rate->getSalesTaxRateCountry() != '' && $rate->getSalesTaxRateStateProvince()) {
$doTax = ($rate->getSalesTaxRateCountry() == $address->getCountry() && $rate->getSalesTaxRateStateProvince() == $address->getStateProvince());
} else if ($rate->getSalesTaxRateCountry() != '') {
$doTax = ($rate->getSalesTaxRateCountry() == $address->getCountry());
$allItemsAreTaxable = true;
if ($doTax) {
foreach($order->getProducts() as $product) {
if ($product->productRequiresSalesTax()) {
$doTax = true;
} else {
$allItemsAreTaxable = false;
//check to see if the rate has a special set, make that flag true.
if ($doTax) {
$specialSetID = $rate->getSalesTaxRateSpecialSet();
if ($specialSetID > 0) {
$specialSet = CoreCommerceProductSet::getByID($specialSetID);
if(!($specialSet->contains($product->getProductObject()) && $product->productRequiresSalesTax())) {
$allItemsAreTaxable = false;
$ak = CoreCommerceOrderAttributeKey::getByHandle('tax_exempt_id');
if($ak instanceof AttributeKey) {
if(strlen($order->getAttribute($ak))) {
$doTax = false;
if ($doTax) {
// tax handling methodologies - we only get here if we do in fact care about sales tax on this order
// 1. Are all items in the cart taxable? If so, then we apply sales tax to the sub-total
if ($allItemsAreTaxable) {
$taxableAmount = $order->getDiscountedOrderTotal();
//$amount += round(($rate->getSalesTaxRateAmount() / 100) * $amt, 2);
} else {
$taxableAmount = 0;
if ($specialSetID > 0) {
foreach($order->getProducts() as $product) {
if(($specialSet->contains($product->getProductObject()) && $product->productRequiresSalesTax())) {
$taxableAmount += $product->getProductQuantizedPrice();
foreach($order->getProducts() as $product) {
if ($product->productRequiresSalesTax()) {
$taxableAmount += $product->getProductQuantizedPrice();
// now we loop through all discounts and subtract them taxable income
// your discounts come out of taxable income first.
$items = $order->getOrderLineItems();
foreach($items as $it) {
switch($it->getLineItemType()) {
case '-':
$taxableAmount -= $it->getLineItemTotal();
//$amount += round(($rate->getSalesTaxRateAmount() / 100) * $taxableAmount, 2);
//echo (string)$taxableAmount ." + ";
if ($rate->includeShippingInSalesTaxRate()) {
// Get the shipping method name so we can pick it out of the line items
$shipMethod = $order->getOrderShippingMethod();
if ($shipMethod) {
$shipMethodName = $order->getOrderShippingMethod()->getName();
// Get the shipping cost
$shippingPrice = 0.00;
$items = $order->getOrderLineItems();
foreach($items as $it) {
$itName = $it->getLineItemName();
if ($itName == $shipMethodName) {
$shippingPrice += $it->getLineItemTotal();
// Add tax based on the shipping cost
$taxableAmount += $shippingPrice;
//$amount += round(($rate->getSalesTaxRateAmount() / 100) * $shippingPrice, 2);
$taxableAmount += Events::fire('core_commerce_compute_sales_tax', $order, $rate);
//echo $shippingPrice." = ".$taxableAmount."\n";
if ($doTax) {
if ($rate->isSalesTaxIncludedInProduct()) {
$amount += round($taxableAmount - ($taxableAmount/(1+($rate->getSalesTaxRateAmount() / 100))),2);
$amount += round(($rate->getSalesTaxRateAmount() / 100) * $taxableAmount, 2);
//echo $taxableAmount." * ". $rate->getSalesTaxRateAmount() / 100 ." = ". $amount;
if ($doTax && $amount > 0) {
$type = '+';
if ($rate->isSalesTaxIncludedInProduct()) {
$type = '=';
$salesTax = $order->getAttribute('sales_tax');
if (is_object($salesTax) && CoreCommerceOrderAttributeKey::getByHandle('other_tax')) {
$order->setAttribute('other_tax', array('label' => $rate->getSalesTaxRateName(), 'type' => $type, 'value' => $amount));
} else {
$order->setAttribute('sales_tax', array('label' => $rate->getSalesTaxRateName(), 'type' => $type, 'value' => $amount));
public function delete() {
$db = Loader::db();
$db->Execute('delete from CoreCommerceSalesTaxRates where salesTaxRateID = ?', array($this->getSalesTaxRateID()));