Need to edit a Scrapbook block

I have an item in Global Scrapbook of which I need to edit contents in every instance of copying to another page. Its actually a copy of a "Format" - a table with basic contact information for a group.

I would like to be able to copy the table into a Global Scrapbook (so that other users can access it too), and then be able to change the particular information without affecting the table headers, on that page, and without affecting ANY of the information in any other pages...

is this POSSIBLE? Is there any other way of doing this without being too complicated?

Phillip Swindall

cssninja replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You can create a new scrapbook - with a different name, not Global (eg. common all)
Then others will see what is in this scrapbook, and content can be different on each page.
BrotherPhil replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there any specific setting I need to edit to make the scrapbook available to everyone?
cssninja replied on at Permalink Reply
No, it isn't. When you add a new scrapbook, everyone can edit it.
BrotherPhil replied on at Permalink Reply
OK... I created a new scrapbook... called it "universal"... however, the block is STILL acting like a Global block... when I make changes in it... it changes EVERY SINGLE PAGE where I've used that block!

This is getting to be very frustrating, since I REALLY don't want to have to recreate this table on EVERY SINGLE PAGE and then change the information in one of the rows when I should be able to just use a clipboard block and then change the information in the lower row of a two row, six column table and manipulate the information for each page differently.
cursal replied on at Permalink Reply
The whole point of a scrapbook block is so you only have to change it in ONE place ONE time and it updates that block site wide.
BrotherPhil replied on at Permalink Reply
I understand that... but SURELY there is a way to scrapbook a FORMATTED page with individual changes in certain places

It doesn't matter any more, I got a programmer to design a way for my client to put the information into a spreadsheet, upload the sheet onto the server using a script, then the script populates the pages necessary with all the correct information... that data is then called into a series of pages inside an iframe in Concrete... not ideal, but it was MUCH easier!
olivercoquelin replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the same problem.

When you copy a block to a scrapbook it gives you the option to 'copy' or to 'alias' the block. If you choose to alias the block then any changes that you make will be reflected in each instance of that block pasted throughout the site. If you choose to copy the block then you should be able to make changes to the pasted block without affecting the original or the other instances.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work properly. Think it's a bug issue.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
if this is actually a bug you guys should post it to the bug tracker. I have been able to use the scrapbook in the past this way just fine so we'll need a pretty detailed walk through of how you produce it.

It's also quite possible its already fixed in 5.4.1 as we did spend some time tinkering around in scrapbooks there...
chai714 replied on at Permalink Reply
I also wanted to do this. As a workaround, I simply copied the HTML code and pasted it into a new block. That should get the formatting and everything if you merely want the formatting.

Hopefully the C5 team will work on this for the future.