Nested blocks? [Solved]
Hello, I think the subject is what I should be asking about. Searched the forum prior to posting this, my apologies if this has already been answered, ad I just haven't found it.
Please see attached. Shown is my main section with 2 separate blocks (content & form).
I'm wanting to include the form block inside and at the bottom of the content block. I'm thinking this is possible, but don't know how to go about it.
Really would appreciate any and all assistance please.
Please see attached. Shown is my main section with 2 separate blocks (content & form).
I'm wanting to include the form block inside and at the bottom of the content block. I'm thinking this is possible, but don't know how to go about it.
Really would appreciate any and all assistance please.

It looks like you have the content block in one area of the page and form in another. Maybe you just need to drag the form block into the Main area.
Hi, the form block is in the 2nd part of the main area. I can only create the form by making a new block, which puts it as a 2nd block inside of the same main area as the 1st (content) block.
Is the theme a purchased theme, or one you built? Maybe there is some questionable markup in it or in your adaptation/use of it. If purchased, ask for support from the theme developer because they will get to the bottom of it faster than anyone else can.
Failing that, I would look at the markup for both blocks in the developer console. Maybe that will show you why the blocks appear to be in different areas.
Perhaps there is an un -closed div or a spurious /div closing a container too early.
Perhaps there is some css being applied to the container of the first block that isn't being applied to the container of the second block (or vice versa). If you can work that out, then you can use the deign properties for the second block to add the css and visually merge it with the first.
Failing that, I would look at the markup for both blocks in the developer console. Maybe that will show you why the blocks appear to be in different areas.
Perhaps there is an un -closed div or a spurious /div closing a container too early.
Perhaps there is some css being applied to the container of the first block that isn't being applied to the container of the second block (or vice versa). If you can work that out, then you can use the deign properties for the second block to add the css and visually merge it with the first.
Thanks John,
This isn't a purchased theme, but a free html template I'm using while learning to convert themes to concrete5.
This is the only support venue available for now :).
There are no div issues, and perhaps my initial query wasn't clear. What I want to accomplish here is to put the form block inside of the content block, so there will be a seamless joining, and css will work same for both areas.
I'm only allowed to create 1 block at a time in edit mode, so once I create the content block in main, it is complete and displays, then I go and create the from block by "adding to main", which is then created as a 2nd block within the main theme, and not included or merged with the first block.
Is this even possible, or is there an addon in marketplace that would accomplish this?
This isn't a purchased theme, but a free html template I'm using while learning to convert themes to concrete5.
This is the only support venue available for now :).
There are no div issues, and perhaps my initial query wasn't clear. What I want to accomplish here is to put the form block inside of the content block, so there will be a seamless joining, and css will work same for both areas.
I'm only allowed to create 1 block at a time in edit mode, so once I create the content block in main, it is complete and displays, then I go and create the from block by "adding to main", which is then created as a 2nd block within the main theme, and not included or merged with the first block.
Is this even possible, or is there an addon in marketplace that would accomplish this?
You could try putting the 2 blocks in a stack, then putting the stack in Main. But that is unnecessarily convoluted when the fundamental problem is how the theme lays out the blocks.
As an experiment, swap your theme back to Greek Yogurt (5.5 default) and make sure the blocks lay out correctly in that first. If they do, then the issue is with the theme. If they don't, then the issue is something you have done to the blocks.
If you can make it work in Greek Yogurt, then the problem is your theme. As it is effectively becoming your own theme/html development, the best solution would then be to revise the theme so that you can have more than 1 block in an area and it look contiguous.
As an experiment, swap your theme back to Greek Yogurt (5.5 default) and make sure the blocks lay out correctly in that first. If they do, then the issue is with the theme. If they don't, then the issue is something you have done to the blocks.
If you can make it work in Greek Yogurt, then the problem is your theme. As it is effectively becoming your own theme/html development, the best solution would then be to revise the theme so that you can have more than 1 block in an area and it look contiguous.
Thanks for all the feedback John,
Attached are the results of my work-around, and here are the steps
1. created both blocks as mentioned earlier in 2 separate blocks
2. from the form block, I copied the underlining html
3. deleted from block, edited content block and pasted previously copied form block html, inside the containing divs
looks like my form field names may need some touching up on the fonts, but this is a start.
Attached are the results of my work-around, and here are the steps
1. created both blocks as mentioned earlier in 2 separate blocks
2. from the form block, I copied the underlining html
3. deleted from block, edited content block and pasted previously copied form block html, inside the containing divs
looks like my form field names may need some touching up on the fonts, but this is a start.
One downfall of this work-around is that the from can't be edited in block mode. One has to go to the html code to accomplish this.
Not something we would want the end user (client) to have to deal with.
Still looking for more user friendly solution, but until then, this serves my purpose for testing/learning.
Not something we would want the end user (client) to have to deal with.
Still looking for more user friendly solution, but until then, this serves my purpose for testing/learning.