New Install with issues - Statistics and page properties

I just did a new install of C5 and it seemed to go well (checks all showed green with no issues except the optional comparison thing said turn safemode off and set permissions on a file which I did but it still showed the warning). Now that it is installed, I am having a few issues. Sometimes when I log into the Dashboard, the Statistics (hits counter) doesn't display and just shows a string of text like the path to it instead of actually loading it. Sometimes it does show up though but it stays on 0 all the way across...
In addition to this, when I go to the Sitemap and click on a page and click on Properties (so I can go in and hide it so it won't show that page on my site) it pops up the properties window and says Access Denied instead of showing any of the properties. I am logging in as the admin account since that is the only one on there...What could be my issue here? I need to hide the Blog, About, Search, and Catalog.
Any help/ideas on these issues?


centralcec replied on at Permalink Reply
Also, forgot to mention this is with a new clean install of the latest "stable" version just in case that makes a difference.

Do I need to wipe everything and go back with 5.4.1?

centralcec replied on at Permalink Reply
Does anyone have any ideas on this...???
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
I would re-upload the /concrete directory,
centralcec replied on at Permalink Reply
I deleted the /concrete folder and uploaded a fresh copy of it. Still getting the Access Denied in the properties pages... Any other ideas?
xjarid replied on at Permalink Reply