New Pages and URLs


I am working on a hobby site for a game. This game creates stats in html files, roughly 20-30 files that are automatically linked in a single folder. I ahve this folder in my root directory on server

In my C5 site I would like to create a new page. When I create that page instead of the page in concrete5 I would like the navigation to go to that index html file that is on my server in folder that game creates.

Is this possible? Does this make sense?


guythomas replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You can accomplish this by adding an "External Link" beneath the desired parent page. This will create a link to your index page, but will act like a regular concrete5 page within your navigation and page list blocks.

Log in to your website and navigate to the sitemap.

Left click on the desired Parent (ex. Home) and click the "Add External Link" button. Enter the Page Title (will be displayed in navigation / pagelists) and the URL.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
