Newbie question - L/R padding on sidebars
I'm using the "Plain Yogurt" template as a base and have changed the header spacer in the main.css but need to know how to reduce the right padding when the left side bar appears and the left padding when the right side bar appears. Is that in the main.css? If so where...?
My coding ability comes from messing things up and then reloading the original after I've gotten myself too far into a corner. :-)
My coding ability comes from messing things up and then reloading the original after I've gotten myself too far into a corner. :-)

That is in the main css and I believe it's a percent... 23% if I remember correctly.
Line 41 and 43
#page #central.central-left #body {padding-left: 68px !important; padding-right: 0px !important; float:right} #page #central #body{ float:left; width:67%; padding-right:28px; padding-left: 0px !important; padding-right: 0px !important }