No Edit Bar Buttons (Can only see grey bar at top) for Every Page Except Home Page

Hi, I'm pretty new at this and I'm having trouble editing all of my pages except the home page. The grey bar shows up at the top but no buttons. I already cleared the cache (also tried turning off the cache)and checked for the header/footer loader lines. It started when I deleted a header block on my site. Originally, I couldn't edit my home page either but when I reverted that to an earlier version, it worked again. However, this didn't work for the other pages. Any ideas? :) webpage is

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
This happens for one of 2 reasons:

1. A PHP error after the page content has rendered (look in your server php error log)

2. A JavaScript error or conflict after the page has rendered, but before the edit bar is complete (look in the browser developer console for script errors.)

Moving away from your home page, in the developer console I get
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'slabText'
several times for all pages. So I am guessing that this JavaScript error is part of the problem. You need to identify which addon or theme involves slabText and contact the respective developer.