No input file specified. This comes up sometimes and then it's gone.
Hosting with GoDaddy. I do have the php5.ini file in place. Web site works fine while I'm editing it for about 15 to 20 minutes it seems. Then I try to edit something or go to the dashboard and edit or add something and the spinning timer comes up and stays up. Then I x out of it and the dreaded "no input file specified" comes up for everything. I wait about 15mins, refresh and everything is back to normal. What is going on? Does anyone know?

Check your php support settings and try switching from FastCGI application to Apache Mode
I'm from Go Daddy and came across your post.
Did the step that @weyboat provide resolve your issue? If you are still running into this feel free to direct message me as I would like to assist you with any additional questions.
@weyboat, thank you for your willingness to help.
I'm from Go Daddy and came across your post.
Did the step that @weyboat provide resolve your issue? If you are still running into this feel free to direct message me as I would like to assist you with any additional questions.
@weyboat, thank you for your willingness to help.