No 'move' in context menu
Never used c5 before. Installed from 'SimpleScripts' at Hostmonster. Upgraded to Installed 'Innovation' theme then deactivated it and activated 'Greek Yogurt'. Tried to move a block on home page but there is no 'move' option in the context menu. (See attachment)
I've been poking about and found that 'move' is in most of the blocks/areas but not the one I want to move - the nav bar. I will go look to see if I can find out something about that.
I *think* that might be because the header navigation is hard coded as a global area in greek_yogurt/elements/header.php:
$a = new GlobalArea('Header Nav');
Thanks for the reply. After looking at the live version it seems OK where it is for now but that will probably be good to know in the future.