No rectangle around current page in the main menu any more


I just made some changes to my website. I made it multisite (Italian and English), following step by step the guide in:

I'm using the default theme. My problem is that after the changes the current page is not marked by a rectangle around it in the main menu anymore. I have an Italian menu on top of Italian pages (you get here clicking on the Italian flag) and an English menu on top of English pages (you get there clicking on the English flag). The Italian menu doesn't show the rectangle around the current page any more. The English menu shows a rectangle around the Home page no matter what page I'm currently in. If I log in as admin, everthing works fine, the current page has a rectangle around it.
Don't know what to do? Can anybody send me in the right direction? If you want, you can see this problem going to Click on the italian and english flags, and on the pages on the menu, and see.

Thanks in advance to anybody who can give me some advice,


vmoser replied on at Permalink Reply

just to point out that when a user logins, the menus (both italian and english) work just fine. You can login with:

user: test
password: concrete5

and see that everything works fine.
It's when you get to the site without logging in that the menus do not work.

Thanks again for any advice you could give me,
