No Spaces in User Names?

I've purchased several add-ons from the Marketplace, and I'm building my Concrete5 site, alongside a Joomla version of the same site. When it's all done I'll be able to compare the two like a test case!

I'll have several questions as I build my Concrete5 site.

OK, question of the moment: I have a database of members in my site, and I need to bring them into Concrete5.

Several of my members have spaces in their user names. By default, it seems that Concrete5 does not allow this. How do I get Concrete5 to accept user names with spaces?


Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
stick this in your site.php

okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
Nice. Do we have this and other config/site.php constants documented somewhere?
MatthewSchenker replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you Mnkras for that tip! I would have never figured that out on my own.

I have a silly question: why aren't spaces allowed by default? It seems the convention in most forums and Web sites is to allow spaces in user names.

For anyone who wants to do this, here is the specific location of the file:

Thanks again,
guyDesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Most are set in /concrete/config/base.php with basic documentation in the file