notification of completed form

I have been trying to edit the "Notify me by email when people submit this form" text field from the old email to the client's new email address. I enter the new address and tick the box to be notified. But when I click to save the change, I get the following message. It will not let me change to a new email address. For the client's privacy, I have changed the email address to generic text in the following quote.

An unexpected error occurred. mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'addFilesToSet' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("insert into btForm ( questionSetId, surveyName, bID,thankyouMsg,notifyMeOnSubmission,recipientEmail,displayCaptcha,addFilesToSet) values ('1327761515', 'Contact', '133', 'Thank You!\r\nI will reply as soon as possible', 1, '', '0',NULL)") < Back to Home

Any thoughts please?