Number Attribute Configuration question

I created a phone number attribute using the number type. When a number is entered it must be like this with no space in order to display the entire number:5555550000. If it is typed in like this 555 555 0000 or this 555-555-0000 it saves the entire number as typed but only shows the first 3 digits. I would like it to show like 555-555-0000. However, I want it to display however the user formats it when entering the number. How do I alter the attribute to do this? Any help would be appreciated thanks.

Shotster replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
> I created a phone number attribute using the number type.

I think a "text" type attribute would be more appropriate for a phone number. You could even validate and normalize the input if you have some programming experience. In fact, Chat Strat has written a nice how-to on precisely that...
